Here are a few proven methods to help you reach your highest potential.

Mastering the Photo Essay: How Sequencing Transforms Your Storytelling
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Mastering the Photo Essay: How Sequencing Transforms Your Storytelling

Discover how to turn photographs into powerful stories with this guide to creating a photo essay. Learn the art of sequencing through my eight-image series on Hong Kong tourists shot with a Konica S3 and Cinestill 400D film. Perfect for emerging photographers ready to captivate audiences with their work!

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The Art of Seeing: Unlocking the Hidden Stories in Everyday Spaces
Alex Huda Alex Huda

The Art of Seeing: Unlocking the Hidden Stories in Everyday Spaces

Discover how to transform ordinary places into extraordinary narratives through “Sense of Place” photography. This blog post dives into the creative process behind a black-and-white film series that I shot in a local mall, revealing themes of isolation and neglect. Packed with tips on observation, storytelling, and technique, it’s a must-read for emerging photographers. Click to learn how to tell deeper stories with your camera!

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Unlocking the Secrets of Visual Storytelling: Mastering Light, Frame, and Moment
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Unlocking the Secrets of Visual Storytelling: Mastering Light, Frame, and Moment

Discover the art of visual storytelling through my latest exploration of the LFM principles: Light, Frame, and Moment. Join me as I share three captivating images, each revealing the secrets behind crafting evocative photographs that resonate with emotion and depth. Uncover how these foundational concepts can elevate your photography and inspire your creative journey—click to dive in!

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How to Reignite Your Creative Spark
Alex Huda Alex Huda

How to Reignite Your Creative Spark

I had lost the desire to photograph, and it felt like the end of the world. I am not exaggerating. Being a photographer is part of my identity, so losing that desire meant losing a part of myself. I couldn’t figure out why it was happening. I didn’t like any of the creative work I was producing, it felt fake, it felt unreal, it felt digital. So I did something senseless, imprudent, and totally irrational, which changed everything.

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Kleios with Kameras
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Kleios with Kameras

Kleios with Kameras is a series of portraits, to celebrate the people who inspire me, galvanize my spirit, and influence my creative work. Each muse in this series is holding a camera, it’s my camera, a symbol that connects them to me.

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Child Marriage is Legal in Canada
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Child Marriage is Legal in Canada

As a Canadian, I was shocked to learn that in Canada, a 16-year-old could get married, even though they are not allowed to vote, legally own property, or have credit cards.

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What Do I Want From Life?
Alex Huda Alex Huda

What Do I Want From Life?

What do I want from life? What can I do to make myself happy? These were the questions I asked myself. I accumulated things, got titles, and created wealth. But now I’ve realized that those were the wrong questions to ask. So what are the right questions?

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Do What Scares You
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Do What Scares You

What happens when you wake up one day and realize that the one thing that always excited you has now lost its charm? It doesn’t bring joy into your life, it doesn’t get you in the flow, and it doesn’t make you jump out of bed.

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Think Big, Act Small, Start Now
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Think Big, Act Small, Start Now

I believe there are two kinds of people in this world. The first kind are the creators, they spend most of their time expressing themselves by making things. The other kind are the consumers, they spend most of their time enjoying the things that the creators make. Which one are you?

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How to Use the Secrets of Secret Societies to Promote Your Work
Alex Huda Alex Huda

How to Use the Secrets of Secret Societies to Promote Your Work

How can I expose my work to a bigger audience? I thought. Getting a large number of followers on Instagram was a complete mystery to me, I didn’t understand their algorithms, or how things worked. I was a complete noob.

So I wondered what if Andy Warhol was alive today, and didn’t have any followers on Instagram, what would he do?

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Judge a Book by Its Cover
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Judge a Book by Its Cover

Let’s face it, we all judge a book by its cover. Here, I invite you to help me design the cover of my debut novel, Brown Boy Barely Blossoms. Let’s have some fun!

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Only Fools Become Masters
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Only Fools Become Masters

How many times have you failed to try something new out of fear of being thought silly? How often have you censored your spontaneity out of fear of being thought childish? Consider for a moment the learnings in life you’ve forfeited because your parents, your peers, your school, your society, have not allowed you to be playful, free, and foolish in the learning process.

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The Power of Yet
Alex Huda Alex Huda

The Power of Yet

As a child, I always wondered why some people got lucky in life, and others didn’t, then I discovered the power of “not yet,” and it changed my life.

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Where There is No Gift, There is No Art
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Where There is No Gift, There is No Art

We all go through cycles of disenchantment and re-enchantment with our work. When you feel as though you’ve lost your gift, the quickest way to recover is to step outside the marketplace and make gifts. Making gifts puts us in touch with our gifts.

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How to Win at Everything
Alex Huda Alex Huda

How to Win at Everything

Six months ago, I had a dream: to reach a wider audience. How can I entertain and empower people when no one even knows about my blog? I thought. Then one day, out of the blue, I got the greatest idea.

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How to Steal Like an Artist
Alex Huda Alex Huda

How to Steal Like an Artist

I believe that we as artists are not the source of any of the work we produce, the source lies elsewhere. So then how do we get those ideas from that mysterious place? Well, we simply steal them like an artist.

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Where Do Ideas Come From?
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Where Do Ideas Come From?

Does creative block really exist or do creatives create drama to resist work? “I have no ideas,” an artist might say to themselves. So then where do all the successful artists get their ideas from?

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Do Your Morning Pages
Alex Huda Alex Huda

Do Your Morning Pages

Do you ever feel that you’re stuck creatively? You want to write or make something, but you have no idea where to start. You feel blocked. I’m sharing a proven technique that has helped millions of creatives, including megaselling authors and celebrities produce legendary work.

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If It’s Not a Hell Yes, It’s a No
Alex Huda Alex Huda

If It’s Not a Hell Yes, It’s a No

What do you do when you have to make a hard decision? You get the advice of the people you trust and admire, you make pros and cons list, and you examine all your options, yet sometimes you don’t know what to do at the end. Here, I’m sharing a proven method that helps solve that problem.

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